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Culture is one of the most important things that truly forms us as a human being and makes us stand up from all the other creatures on Earth. Perhaps, culture is the only thing we leave behind us. Things that are given from father to son throughout the centuries. 
Israeli painter Mihail Hazin, is certain that a painting, just…

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Israel Painting

In the world where everything changes so fast, art may be the only thing that is totally worth investing in. An artist gives you the opportunity to see a glimpse of his wonderland, opens his heart to a stranger and instantly, two people, that may not ever meet with each other become friends. 
Ever wanted to buy an Israeli…

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Israel Painter

Israeli painter Mihail Hazin is known in the entire world for his oil paintings. Want to learn a few interesting things about how these paintings are different from others? Just keep reading! 
First thing you should know is that it takes a really long time for an oil paint to dry: up to six months for varnishing and couple…

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